Thursday 25 November 2010

Measuring happiness? Thanks Cam!

Right, so DC (David Cameron, UK, PM) announced a couple of weeks ago that he wanted to measure the level of people in the UK's happiness levels. Some people have stated that can we actually measure happiness at all? Psychologist, sociologists have developed questionnaires which measure this and have been for years, one measurement that I have used in the past, is the general well being questionnaire. My problem with the process is that the office of national statistics is devising the questions. I think that PSYCHOLOGISTS should be devising them, as a group of people who make a living out of studying and trying to make sense of human behaviour, its probably quite logical that they should do it? Secondly although this is an important aspect of life, trying to measure happiness is a very abstract and difficult task. It seems slightly as though the government are trying to distract us from the doom and gloom austerity cuts they have announced, but measuring how badly people feel, will this actually help?

Thursday 11 November 2010

The curse of the temp...

Some people really like temping, not really worrying too much about finding the career, good way for students to earn money or to try out different parts of a profession and getting your foot in the door. I have personally temped so much and at times it has made me feel dirty, sad and used (in a non hooker way.../ simple clean admin work).  A lot of  people's experiences of temporary work are unhappy, brain numbingly boring prison sentences. Here are some tips for employers of how to get
the most out of your temporary workers.

  • Never refer to them as the "temp", they have names, it's rude.
  • Try not to humiliate them with work that simpletons can do, especially if they have a degree, like from personal experience " can you turn my computer on?" response in brain- I AM NOT YOUR PA and even if I was, not on your nelly.
  •  Give them fun stuff to do- to stimulate innovation and increase well being this will increase output
  • Integrate them into the team as much as possible
  • Give them time - they aren't going to learn over night, give them space and time

For temporary workers:
  • Always look bothered to be there, even if you aren't.
  • get involved, if you have run out of work, find some thing else to do
  • Be polite, it always leaves a lasting impression
  • Be on time!!

You never know where these tips will get you...

Entrepreneurial spirit...


This girl is a  7 year old entrepreneur, making her business by using her passion,  interests and skills. You may think that its just a bit of jewellery, but its inspirational, let no one tell you that you can't succeed, you have no excuse, if she can so should you.

What came first, the chicken or the egg? (Personality...)

The age old question of whether personality is  predetermined in the womb, by genetics or can it be influenced by our environment? Well, one of my jobs is working with small children tutoring them, yesterday I accidentally made a 5 year old cry, not because I did any thing nasty, but simply because of an eraser. Yes an eraser, a rubber, something that eradicates lead pencils.

The child was working on his handwriting, writing the letter d, and he asked for an eraser. I couldn't find one and told him so, a few minutes later a crying 5 year old approached me. I asked him what was wrong and he said he needed an eraser and insisted that I find him one, i asked him what he so desperately needed one for, (whilst consoling the poor child) and he said it was because he wrote one of the letters wrong, (the letter looked perfectly fine to me). I managed to locate an eraser and then he was happy. I then began thinking about his personality, extremely smart, strong willed and very conscientious, with a perfectionist streak. Whilst I tried to let him realise that was doing his best and not being so hung up on the negatives, this is indeed his personality, very formed at the age of 5, he will probably end up being an engineer or some high powered business man.

It really made me think though that people's personalities can be changed but the essential essence of our personality is brought from or genetic make up and altered by our experiences.